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Ecuador Day One (and happy thanksgiving)

back in August we had the fantastic opportunity to travel to Ecuador, South America to shoot a wedding for some very dear friends.  We were there for a week and we took nearly 5,000 photos of things other than the wedding.  The country is absolutely gorgeous.  We have been so busy since we got back that we haven't had a chance to touch any of the photos... until today.  Thanksgiving has allowed me to work on my own project for once =)  And so i sorted through the photos from day one, which we spent in Quito, Ecuador.  Enjoy the photos (lots more to come... who knows when) and enjoy Thanksgiving:

Oh yeah... and the things i am thankful for today:
-Jesus, Lover of my soul
-Sarah Beth, my soul mate
-Crew Community Church
-new studio space
-mashed potatoes
-pumpkin pie!

and YOU.


Jacob and Andrea (engagements)

This couple is going to be one beautiful married couple and we cannot wait to shoot their wedding in December.  Two amazing people:


Rusty and Juliana (engagements)

We shot these photos at Twin Falls State Park down in southern West Virginia.  Rusty and Juliana even put us up for the night in a little cabin at the park... which was a very welcome reprieve.  We had such a wonderful evening with these two and cannot wait for the wedding next June.